Friday, July 15, 2011

Put some weight on the prowler!

Looks like you fellahs enjoyed the training session at Elite but whats with no weight on the prowler? Also, Bill you have photoshopped that photo where you look as almost as big as Marty...or you are a human blowfish!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Group Excursion To Elite Sports Performance

It was exciting! We were very excited and nervous and excited. It is such a great exciting gym with so many nice shiny pieces of equipment that help to train your muscles. And boy did we train our muscles! And then some! There were many many strong people there and they helped to motivate us. I am still tingling. I'm not sure if the other guys are still tingling but I will be sure to ask them if they are still tingling and whether they are tingling or not i will be sure to report back to you. Bill nearly spewed after the prowler which just proves how great it all was. Thanks to Marty, Pig, Chucky, Bro, Archer, Vic and the others for being so great. Just so great. Here are some pics and vids. Wowee!

Here's Greasy's Gym Members With Big Martyn And Super Strong Chucky

And Here With Big Bro. He's Benched 335kg Which I Think Is I Pretty Good Effort

Bill Pushes The Prowler. Shazaam!

Frank Pushes The Prowler. Wowser!

Linden Pushes The Prowler. And It's Still Warm!

Spontaneous Deads At Jo's Joint!

I was on the way to visit the folks in the country on the weekend and stopped in at Lara to say hello to my sister, Jo, and the kids. Jo's a mad freaky gym junky with a PB deadlift of 110kg, so when I suggested we do some deficit deads with some of her dodgy gym equipment she was as keen as shit. She was SHIT keen. And that. Here's our last sets. We were using old plates, a shitty bar with no grip and it was spitting rain. We were awesome. Watch.

Jo's Last Set

Greasy's Last Set

Friday, June 10, 2011

Some New Vids

Greasy's 16 Pull Ups

Frank's 10 Half Pull Ups

Frodo's Squat PB

Frodo's Deadlift PB

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hard Workin' Cat-Eyed Bill!

This is what hard work looks like fellas!. Check out these pics after Big Bill worked himself into a near catatonic state.

He still had enough energy to give me the one finger salute though

And then get back in to do some Cat-eye Situps with the Disco Ball.

Nice work Bill!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


After several weeks, perhaps two months, of training being disrupted by self-inflicted injury, holidays and general amotivation, I'm back training. God works in mysterious ways (and I'm not referring to the fact He allows things like tsunamis and serial killers) because last week I was getting back into deadies and feeling far from enthusiastic as I trundled into the gym. To my delight my gym, which has the shittiest machines and no squat rack, had purchased a new bar and bumper plates. It was precisely what I needed to boost my commitment to training. I'm still getting back some strength and having some pain from my wrist and knee but I'm keen. I'm also determined to do more flexibility and warm-up movements so that I can keep on training consistently as life slowly passes me by.

So gentleman, hopefully I may join you in a Sunday training session on the Queens birthday weekend.

By the way, there's a show on Wednesday nights on the one of the channel ten stations (called ONE HD) about bikies called Sons of Anarchy that is meant to be pretty good. I'm yet to see it but may watch it this week.

I've attached some pics of the new bar at my gym as well as a couple of shots of a weird machine for back stuff and also a stupid machine for (I think) calves to give you an idea of my training environment.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Big PB's!!!

Well done to Nige, Linden and Jack. Big PB's on the deadlift this morning. Nige pulled a comfortable 160kg, Linden 105kg and Jack (who's only been training for a few months) 75kg. I also got a rep PB on Saturday 225kg x 10 which I'm pretty pumped about. Good work fellas!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Out-Jerked By An Eight Year Old

Just to keep us humble...

Frodo and I have been trying some clean and jerk training on our deadlift day. You can see in my log that I did a set of 70kg. Here's a video of an eight year old doing 75kg.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Nice lift Bill!

Looks like I'm going to have to step it up... Big Bill has set the bar high! Well done and I'm looking forward to hitting the weights hard after easter (until then... man these easter eggs are good!).

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Training Saturday Morning!!

Hello Dedicated Gym Freaks,
Due to our lifting addiction we have decided to run a session this Saturday morning at 7:30am (yes we know it is Easter). So if you have the guts & nuts, see you then!

Message from Greasy

Have a Good workout dudes! Humba has been in NZ. He might make it but here is part of an email he sent me. Makes for fun reading

I'm getting back from NZ today and hope to make it but maybe just for a social visit.

Three weeks ago I was running home after a few beers and went for a great trip and landed with max force on concrete. A great deal of pain but I thought I'd just incurred some bruises and continued to train a couple of times and then came here on holidays. Anyway, a long time later and I continue to have a lot of pain in my wrist and knee (a dull ache) and pain when I try to open a jar or something or put pressure on my knee(like kneeling).

So I think I have some type of fracture or something but have decided to wait to see a doctor when I get back to Wang after Easter. Unsure if it's been wise not getting these things looked at sooner but obviously the injuries aren't too bad if I've been able to do most things.

Good work Humber!

Here's a vid of Nige to show you how far you are behind.

Good stuff Bill!

Great to see you newer blokes having a crack. Me and Frank will have to lift our game (and some heavier weights)!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Big Congrats To Bill!

Today Bill went a little crazy and had a shot at a 120kg Deadlift. He pulled it easy and left some in the tank for later. I think Bill has been foxing these past few months. But now we're going to reset his max and see what he's really made of. Good work Bill. (sorry, Lewis distraction caused me to miss the build up. Will post more Bill Deadies later.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another Jumper To The Slaughter

Looks like the regulars at Greasy's just can't remember to take home their training garments despite the horrors that occurred to Frank's jumper only a few weeks ago. I have created a link to the side to honor the jumpers that have their rights violated because their owners show them such disrespect.

This jumper is yet to be claimed but here's me sweating it out. I challenge the owner to come forward. Let this be a lesson to you!

The audio track to this video is appropriately titled, 'Warm and Toasty'.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cleans? Vid For Humber.

Greasy, in your training log you mention doing cleans. What are they? - Humber

Here you go Humber. A demo from Jim Wendler. (PS His terrible form is much, much better than mine and Frodo's)

Anyone Seen This Guy Lately?!

And some new vids have been added to the training logs.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Editing advice needed

Clint, I added one entry to my training log but then I tried to add another and if I follow your directions you gave a whilwe back then I select edit it brings up the first entry but I can't create a new, 'fresh' entry. Do I add to my training log by continuing to edit the original post or can I create new posts to my page (if that makes any fucking sense)?

Greasy's Gym: Humba

OK, a few comments/updates: -Finally posted some numbers to my training log. Read in awe or disdain. -This Sunday will make it three weeks that I've been doing the 2-3 protein shakes plus one meal diet (i.e. high protein diet). I'd say I've lost 2-3 kilos, although I've generally resisted weighing myself to avoid discouragement and because scales often seem unreliable. The great thing about this diet is that having most of your meals as shakes (which I added cream, egg or oat bran to at different times) means you don't have to worry about portion size and it's actually a relief at times to just make a simple shake rather than preparing a meal. And I've found I'm seldom hungry and have avoided all snacks outside of the meal and shakes. Of course shakes do start to become boring and I'm glad I'm almost at the 3 weeks that I planned to do this. Now I'm gonna move to two meals and a shake for a while. -Weight training going well. I'm off on holidays to NZ on Tuesday for ten days so will have a couple of weeks of no training. -I'll be in Melbourne over Easter so if you guys are training on the Sat, Sun (even) or the Monday let me know as I'll be in. Happy Easter! -Clint, some of the guys I kind of half train with at my gym do their deadies and squats with their shoes off as they claim that it's better for driving the power through your feet. Of course it depends on the type of shoes you've got and stuff, but I tried it and I certainly felt more stable as your feet sit lower and feel more stable. Just have to make sure don't drop a plate on toes I suppose. Anyway, thought I'd mention it because training with Nikes that have layers of shit and heels may not be ideal.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


CLINT, I'm very dubious of your personal training blog as you seem to be saying what you lifted a few months from now. What sabout living in the present! - Humby

Funny cause it's true. I have amended the errors. - Greasy

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Don't Leave Your Jumper Behind At Greasy's

After Sunday's session yet another jumper was left in the gym. Rather than getting frustrated I have found a good use for those things left behind. As this selection of videos, titled 'Fuck Frank's Jumper' demonstrates.

Get Outta The Way Westside!

And check out Linden's monster effort under his log to the right!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Discussion topic for the day-Biceps!

  1. Do bicep curls have a place in modern day training if you're training for strength?

  2. Does Clint spend sixty minutes every night in his garage doing bicep training and then train with other guys and talk down bicep curls as only for losers/wankers?

  3. Is Humber asking this question because he trains hard on exercises for his core and to get a better bench and deadlift when in fact all he really wants is to wear tight t-shirts and for girls to look at his arms and think how big his biceps are?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Frank From The 70's Tears It Up!

Frank left everyone in awe after this gut busting set!!!!

To Add To Your Training Log DO THIS

HUMBA. The main posting area is for general chit chat, banter, ribbing, training times, etc. To post to your log do this -

Go to New Post
Click the Edit Pages tab
Click on your page
Add your content at the top.
All logs can be viewed by clicking on the names to the right under Training Logs.

Hope this helps.

Greasy's Gym: Humba

Greasy's Gym: Humba Deadlifts tonight-will get enthusiastic halfway through workout.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Greasy's Gym: Humba

Greasy's Gym: Humba My workout from last night-28th March 2011 (Bench 531 week1): Bench: 57.5kg x 5 67.5kg x 5 75kg x 5 And then 45kg for 3 sets of 10 and 2 sets of 7 (arms tired out on last two sets) Tricep pulldowns (use lat pulldown to do set of tricep pulldowns with wide-grip followed immediately by set with narrow-grip): 33kg x 10 (wide-grip) 33x 6 (narrow-grip) 26kg x 10 (2 sets of wide-grip and 2 sets with narrow-grip) Narrow-grip chin-ups: 30 in total in sets of 3 and then 2 Dumbbell shoulders shrugs: 30kg 5 x 10 Seated leg raises: One set of 50

Frodo Who?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Getting Ready To Kick Some Ass!

Good work fellas. Humba, the weight will come off following that eating plan. Will also maintain muscle. Good to see you getting some squats in.

Tonight me and Frodo are hitting the squats as well. Frodo is improving at a rate of knots and should overtake Nige and Franko by about mid year. I'm hitting a top weight of 190kg. Should be fun.

A big pat on the back to newest member Jack who ignored my advice on Sunday and pushed himself more than someone should on their first ever day in the gym. After almost passing out he had to spend 15 minutes on my couch all sweaty and shaky. He then crawled to sit at the kitchen bench and proceeded to tell me how good this kind of training will be for him and committed to becoming a regular. I see him tearing up a 200kg deadlift in no time.

Well, I better finish my massive can of ROCKSTAR and get out there.

Wednesday we are trying a new exercise. It's called the Dicklift. Here's what to expect -

Weight loss

I've been doing a variation on Protein Power diet for the last 8 days, which means one normal meal (meat or seafood and veg) and 2-3 protein skakes (with two tblsp of cream, maybe an egg, sometimes some oat bran) per day...and a coffee or two. Aiming for some fast weight loss. I'm resisting standing on the scales as small results can be disappointing and so will wait for a week. Aiming to lose fat around belly. So far it's been pretty easy as it's easier having no choice but protein shakes compared with trying to have 3 meals of real food and keeping the meals small. Still training hard though. Tonight Bench (531 week 2 with Boring but Big assistance). I'll start posting numbers. Have started doing squats with smith machine: not great but better than nothing.

Trouble standing up!

Hey dudes,
still working out how to do this blogg stuff. I sent some funny posts but they didn't work. Anwyay, after Sunday's killer session I'm finding it hard to stand up after sitting the pain now waiting for the gain!
i trained on my own in the greasy gym on saturday morning in record time. undid all my good work that same night by drinking hard from 8pm to 5am, up at 8am to take kids to footy. hungover sunday but, at least i trained over weeknd , see ya wednesday for a big session and we might do some weights as well. cheers franko

The Jumper Files

Who's Jumper?

Frank's Jumper