Friday, July 15, 2011

Put some weight on the prowler!

Looks like you fellahs enjoyed the training session at Elite but whats with no weight on the prowler? Also, Bill you have photoshopped that photo where you look as almost as big as Marty...or you are a human blowfish!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Group Excursion To Elite Sports Performance

It was exciting! We were very excited and nervous and excited. It is such a great exciting gym with so many nice shiny pieces of equipment that help to train your muscles. And boy did we train our muscles! And then some! There were many many strong people there and they helped to motivate us. I am still tingling. I'm not sure if the other guys are still tingling but I will be sure to ask them if they are still tingling and whether they are tingling or not i will be sure to report back to you. Bill nearly spewed after the prowler which just proves how great it all was. Thanks to Marty, Pig, Chucky, Bro, Archer, Vic and the others for being so great. Just so great. Here are some pics and vids. Wowee!

Here's Greasy's Gym Members With Big Martyn And Super Strong Chucky

And Here With Big Bro. He's Benched 335kg Which I Think Is I Pretty Good Effort

Bill Pushes The Prowler. Shazaam!

Frank Pushes The Prowler. Wowser!

Linden Pushes The Prowler. And It's Still Warm!

Spontaneous Deads At Jo's Joint!

I was on the way to visit the folks in the country on the weekend and stopped in at Lara to say hello to my sister, Jo, and the kids. Jo's a mad freaky gym junky with a PB deadlift of 110kg, so when I suggested we do some deficit deads with some of her dodgy gym equipment she was as keen as shit. She was SHIT keen. And that. Here's our last sets. We were using old plates, a shitty bar with no grip and it was spitting rain. We were awesome. Watch.

Jo's Last Set

Greasy's Last Set