Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Frank From The 70's Tears It Up!

Frank left everyone in awe after this gut busting set!!!!

To Add To Your Training Log DO THIS

HUMBA. The main posting area is for general chit chat, banter, ribbing, training times, etc. To post to your log do this -

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Hope this helps.

Greasy's Gym: Humba

Greasy's Gym: Humba Deadlifts tonight-will get enthusiastic halfway through workout.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Greasy's Gym: Humba

Greasy's Gym: Humba My workout from last night-28th March 2011 (Bench 531 week1): Bench: 57.5kg x 5 67.5kg x 5 75kg x 5 And then 45kg for 3 sets of 10 and 2 sets of 7 (arms tired out on last two sets) Tricep pulldowns (use lat pulldown to do set of tricep pulldowns with wide-grip followed immediately by set with narrow-grip): 33kg x 10 (wide-grip) 33x 6 (narrow-grip) 26kg x 10 (2 sets of wide-grip and 2 sets with narrow-grip) Narrow-grip chin-ups: 30 in total in sets of 3 and then 2 Dumbbell shoulders shrugs: 30kg 5 x 10 Seated leg raises: One set of 50

Frodo Who?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Getting Ready To Kick Some Ass!

Good work fellas. Humba, the weight will come off following that eating plan. Will also maintain muscle. Good to see you getting some squats in.

Tonight me and Frodo are hitting the squats as well. Frodo is improving at a rate of knots and should overtake Nige and Franko by about mid year. I'm hitting a top weight of 190kg. Should be fun.

A big pat on the back to newest member Jack who ignored my advice on Sunday and pushed himself more than someone should on their first ever day in the gym. After almost passing out he had to spend 15 minutes on my couch all sweaty and shaky. He then crawled to sit at the kitchen bench and proceeded to tell me how good this kind of training will be for him and committed to becoming a regular. I see him tearing up a 200kg deadlift in no time.

Well, I better finish my massive can of ROCKSTAR and get out there.

Wednesday we are trying a new exercise. It's called the Dicklift. Here's what to expect -

Weight loss

I've been doing a variation on Protein Power diet for the last 8 days, which means one normal meal (meat or seafood and veg) and 2-3 protein skakes (with two tblsp of cream, maybe an egg, sometimes some oat bran) per day...and a coffee or two. Aiming for some fast weight loss. I'm resisting standing on the scales as small results can be disappointing and so will wait for a week. Aiming to lose fat around belly. So far it's been pretty easy as it's easier having no choice but protein shakes compared with trying to have 3 meals of real food and keeping the meals small. Still training hard though. Tonight Bench (531 week 2 with Boring but Big assistance). I'll start posting numbers. Have started doing squats with smith machine: not great but better than nothing.

Trouble standing up!

Hey dudes,
still working out how to do this blogg stuff. I sent some funny posts but they didn't work. Anwyay, after Sunday's killer session I'm finding it hard to stand up after sitting the pain now waiting for the gain!
i trained on my own in the greasy gym on saturday morning in record time. undid all my good work that same night by drinking hard from 8pm to 5am, up at 8am to take kids to footy. hungover sunday but, at least i trained over weeknd , see ya wednesday for a big session and we might do some weights as well. cheers franko

The Jumper Files

Who's Jumper?

Frank's Jumper